• Yes! I offer a free 45-minute session for us to get to know each other, and explore what is happening for you today and what your goals are. This session allows both of us to make a decision as to whether we are a good fit to begin coaching work. Bring a coffee, or cup of tea, and let’s chat.

  • Each session begins with an agenda, this is a topic that you would like to discuss. We plan out what goals you want to achieve around this topic by the end of the session and then we dive into the conversation. In a typical session, a client should expect to do 90% of the talking. I am there to facilitate and help you uncover your inner thoughts, emotions, and goals.

  • This is a great question. Therapy is largely focused on understanding your past to better determine what is happening in your present. Coaching, on the other hand, is very much focused on your future and taking steps forward. Keep in mind that therapy is hugely important if you going through difficult times where understanding why you feel a certain way is necessary. Sometimes coaching can be most beneficial if you have done the self-awareness work that comes through therapy.

  • This is completely up to you. Many individuals choose to transition from therapy to coaching when they feel that they are ready to start focusing on their future selves. On the other hand, many clients will see a therapist and coach simultaneously as both offer a unique service that is so important.

  • All coaching sessions take place virtually over Zoom. I am based in US - EST time zone and therefore work during those hours.